The hours you have spent for the brainstorming meetings, the collaboration with the design team, the back and forth to adjust everything after someone checks your work and the actual time it takes to write good content are not negligible.
Yes, there are sacrifices to be made to get good quality content. And after all this work, a few months go by and your blog post is just on page number 10 of a website. That is just not fair, but it is also not great for ROI. You should try to make the most of every piece you write and ultimately write less and promote more. I know it has been said many times before but that is because it is the truth.
But let’s focus on the most important aspect – THE HOW-TO.
We will review the process you need to follow step by step:
1. Write down the types of content you are using or the ones that are most effective for your niche. These could include:
  • Blog Posts
  • Press Releases
  • White Papers
  • E-books
  • Social Media Posts
  • Social Media Video Posts
  • E-mail Marketing
  • Infographics
  • Podcasts
  • Webinars
Hopefully, I didn’t forget anything but I think you get the point.
2. Find the 10 pieces of content that have performed the best over the years. To do that effectively, you need to use your analytics board and filter it accordingly so you don’t waste a lot of time in the process.
3. Select the 5 pieces that have evergreen content. Another suggestion is to just change the statistics based on the year and re-title it. For example, we have a Barnham Marketing Blog Post Account Based Marketing VS Inbound Marketing | Pros and Cons, which includes information about two marketing techniques. This can easily be re-published but the statistics it includes will be outdated after a while. To effectively support our conclusions, we should just change the numbers(stats).
4.Build a table with your re-purposing content and add dates and what you will transform it into. This will help keep you organised and timely.
How to transform one type of content into another to maximise your promotion efforts and ultimately your traffic and leads.
Let’s look at one of the most common transformations, turning a blog post series into an e-book.If you have a specific niche and you find yourself talking about different sides of the same coin, for example, if you have 5 or more blog posts with topics such as 1.Best Linkedin Strategy- 2. Best Instagram Strategy- 3.Best Twitter Strategy- 4. Best Facebook Strategy -5. Best TikTok Strategy, you could easily build an e-book with the topic the Best Social Media Strategies for the most in-demand platforms. You have existing content and all that is demanded is to collect and organise it in the most effective way for the reader.
Also, you could follow the same process when you have a podcast or webinar series. Although it will require a bit more time to transfer the audio to written speech. In general, this is the basic method to transform any form of content and re-brand it, and promote again to bring more traffic to your website.
One piece of Content – Multiple ways to Promote
When you build a white paper to help your audience solve a complex problem it doesn’t end there. You should use all the channels available to you to make the most of it. 
  • Social media: You could create posts for the same topic in many different ways and for several different platforms. A simple text post with a link, an infographic to draw the attention of the audience or a short-form video post.
  • Email marketing: Build an email series to showcase your content or a newsletter to reach your audience’s mailbox at the end of the month with all the latest information and updates. And it doesn’t need to be heavily text-based, sometimes less is more, just a strong call to action and it is ready.
  • Slideshare: LinkedIn offers an amazing, no-cost opportunity to share your content with a very wide audience of professionals. It may not be highly targeted but your content is ready, you just have to finesse it in a presentation format and it is ready to bring you new leads.
One last tip is to always remember who your content talks to, you have professionals from different stages of the sales cycle. You need a different message to target different segments of your target audience. Don’t forget that, next time you re-purpose your content.
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